In 2012, the new Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code (MUPC) went into effect. Under the MUPC, probate and estate administration are precise, rule-based processes. The personal representative of the estate must meet statutory requirements, and heirs should be assured that the process is complete and all assets have been distributed according to the Will or, if there was no Will, according to the rules of intestacy (decedents dying without a Will).
If you are the personal representative of an estate or the trustee of a trust, give us a call and set up a meeting to discuss the probate process or what is required for trust administration. We have the experience and the dedication to detail that will ensure that every task is handled in a timely, accurate manner.
Attorney Barbara Epstein and a dedicated paralegal have the credentials and knowledge to guide you through the entire probate process. We will assist you in garnering the estate’s assets and debts, paying the bills, dealing with any issues or concerns that might arise, and providing a complete accounting to the heirs.
Our law firm will notify heirs and distribute assets according to the terms of the decedent’s will and/or their trust. In the absence of a will or trust, we will distribute assets according to state law.
As the personal representative, you can have confidence in the experience, legal knowledge and accuracy you will find at Scheier Katin & Epstein, P.C.
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Contact us and let us know how we can help you.